Free Roof Estimate And Detailed Measurement Report

Free roof estimate and measurement.

How can I get a free roof measurement report for my home?

Sooner or later, many homeowners face the need to replace an old roof with a new one. And every homeowner always wants to receive high-quality materials and roofing work at the lowest cost. If that same homeowner is faced with finding a roofing contractor for the first time, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Our company has developed a system that will help with this and simplify this task. But most importantly, it will save the homeowner a lot of money on replacing a roof, and will also save him a lot of nerves and personal time.

So, now we will try to imagine the path along which the farmer will move towards his goal - to replace the roof of his house. The biggest question is the cost of replacing the roof.

The ultimate goal is to receive proposals from different contractors to find out the cost of labor and materials for replacing the roof, as well as the required time and timing of the work.

What is needed to achieve the goal?

1. Find local roofers who can offer a roof replacement or a new roof.

What do you need to complete the first step? Find local roofing companies. Of course, the easiest way to do this is to search on Google.

Result - the homeowner gets many websites of local roofing companies.

2. Get a free roof replacement estimate from local roofers.

What do you need to complete the second step? Time! A homeowner must call or submit a request to each company. But this is not enough! After all, to calculate the cost of replacing a roof, it is necessary to measure the roof. To do this, you need to agree with each roofing company on a time that is convenient for both the homeowner and the roofer. Measuring a roof usually takes 2-3 hours or more, depending on the complexity of the roof. In general, this process, taking into account weather conditions, can take several weeks. Especially if we are talking about roofing work during a season when all roofing contractors are short-handed.

What other options does homeowners have when it comes to finding a local roofing company to replace the roof on their home? They can turn to services that search for roofing companies for free based on their application. Such services your roof at a roofer auction.

Let's take a little look at this process.

The homeowner goes to the website and completes a roof replacement request to receive free estimates from the contractors. Homeowners should point the location of the house, the number of floors, and the material (shingles, metal, tile) of the roof, and nothing more. And the question immediately arises - what is the best free estimate for such a roof from roofing contractors? The answer is simple – plus or minus 30%! Is it possible to arrange this option for the novel owner? We can say with confidence - NO!

What other disadvantages are there in this case?

Your application is submitted to a contractor auction. The cost of submission can be up to $100-150 per application. However, there is no guarantee for the roofing contractor that he will receive this order for execution and make money on it. According to statistics, a contract is concluded at best with the fifth application (it all depends on the specific service company). Many customers just want to know the price, but are not ready to sign roof replacement contract. Some don't even get in touch. There are many reviews that such companies offer “fake” applications. This costs the roofing contractor $500-750 for each completed project. Who will compensate him for these losses? That's right - a future customer with whom roofing company can contact. This money will be included in the cost of roof replacement work! Roofing contractors also don’t like such systems, but they have no choice...

What to do in this case to get a free detailed roof replacement estimate and a roof and gutter measurement report? An alternative from the company LocalProBook!

What does LocalProBook offer to the Customer

1. Free roof and gutter measurement report. It will indicate all the roof elements, their length and all the squares of the slopes. This is enough for roofing contractors to estimate the cost of a roof replacement with 95% accuracy. You will receive the report by email. Then it can be sent to any roofer to get an estimate on roof replacement cost.

2. Free roof estimate. The report will be shared with 3 (or more if you wish) local roof replacement contractors without providing your personal information. They will calculate your roof replacement labor and materials and send us a price quote for replacing the roof of your home. We will send it to you by email. If you are satisfied with the price and conditions, we will also send you the contractor’s contact information for communication. You are not required to sign a contract or agree to anything in doing so.

What does the Customer receive working with LocalProBook?

The ability to accurately calculate the cost of work and materials to replace the roof. After all, he will receive a full report on roof measurements. And if his offer interests you, then he will get a client.

Why is it possible for free?

Because LocalProBook has developed the lpbRoofing roof and gutter measuring app and can use it for free.

Ideal scheme? Yes!

What does the Customer need to do to receive a free roof estimate and a detailed measurement report of his roof? Send an SMS with your name, email, and address to +14253639900.