Questions to Ask Waterproofing Companies

Do you offer free estimates?

Most basement waterproofing companies will provide a free estimate, but it's always a good idea to check for details just in case. No specialist can determine the cause of the problem over the phone. Therefore, examining the basement is a prerequisite for determining the cause of moisture and determining a way to eliminate the problem. Because a specialist will need to carry out an examination, this may cost some money. Typically, this amount is taken into account in the cost of the work if you agree to the services of a contractor.

Our platform encourages owners to find companies that provide free estimates. To do this, you need to take the time to call local contractors and clarify the details. You may need to take a few photographs of problem areas. But thanks to this, you will receive the most detailed estimate for the work.‍

How much do your waterproofing services cost?

We generally recommend getting 3 to 5 quotes from local companies. Our experience shows that the average price offer is optimal. But not always. It is worth paying attention to the included materials - their cost can vary by up to 50%. Also, be sure to take into account the warranty periods for the entire range of work.

Does your service require excavation?

There are usually two approaches to solving foundation moisture problems. Moisture-proofing the foundation from the outside is the best option to keep your walls dry. But it also costs more. Moisture insulation from the inside using a water drainage system that has already passed through your walls is a cheaper option. But in this case, your walls are constantly wet.

What is the warranty period for your services?

The ideal option for a homeowner is to obtain a full guarantee on both work and materials. Carefully study the contract, especially the clauses of what the warranty covers and what it does not cover. It is also important that the warranty statements indicate the terms of inspection and elimination of warranty cases. The amount of compensation in the event of refusal to fulfill warranty obligations must be determined.

How much experience does your staff have with waterproofing basements?

The quality of work often depends on the experience of the performers. There are many reasons why foundations become wet; each basement is individual. Only the many years of experience of basement waterproofing specialists determines the quality of work.

What brands do you use to solve wet basement problems?

Many solutions from different brands are similar but may have their unique features. Be sure to clarify why the contractor works with these brands and what their advantages are. This may be the quality of materials and components or a longer warranty period. If you immediately receive answers to such questions, then the contractor is experienced and has been working with these brands for many years and knows all their advantages. If a specialist cannot clearly explain why they chose a specific solution from the manufacturer, then most likely he is not familiar with it and should be preferred to a more experienced performer.

Can you refer me to your past clients near me?

You can always contact the company’s previous clients and clarify issues such as whether the price was acceptable, the materials used were of high quality, the deadlines for completing the work were met, and what the result was. This will give you more confidence when choosing a local contractor.

Are your company and your employees insured?

You should not deal with companies that operate without insurance. If everything goes well, there will be no problems. But if something goes wrong, you will have big money problems. You should get confirmation from the contractor that they are insured, for how much, and what type of insurance. This is important to understand what the insurance covers and in what insurance cases. Otherwise, you may face unpleasant legal proceedings.

Are you licensed in my state?

Most states require a license to do foundation-dampening work. The contractor is required to provide it to you. Usually, it can be found on the contractor’s website; this is not classified information. To be on the safe side, you can check the license on the website of your county or city building department.