Garage Construction Or Renovation Cost In 2024. Local Price Guide.

Reviewed by Pavel Buyeu
Updated: 04/21/2024

What is the cost of building the garage?

Garage construction prices from to
Supply and installation prices per 10 square foot in $
Prefabricated metal (sheet or steel) 25 - 35
Prefabricated in wood 15 - 25
Wooden garage construction 35 - 55
Masonry construction 30 - 70
Underground garage construction (including excavation work) 55 - 145

Additionally, you will have to pay for garage doors and work on their installation. You can find out more about the cost of garage door installation on our website. 

Prices may vary due to the type of work to be performed, the quality of its execution, and the region in which you are located.

To build a garage, you need to contact professionals who deal with all stages of processing: the design of the box, the most suitable position to build it, the materials to be used, and the coating to apply. The cost of building a garage takes all of these factors into account and can have varying costs. The final price must also include the cost of labor and the expenses of the professional regarding the preparation of the building procedure requested by the Municipality. All of these factors are part of the cost of building the box.

If you already own a garage and need to renovate it, there are the same factors to consider. If structural changes have to be made to the garage, technical expertise must be carried out to understand the safest ways to carry out this activity. Furthermore, for this type of work, it is necessary to ask the Municipality of residence for a permit to build. Also, in this case, prices may vary based on a multiplicity of factors ranging from the quality of the materials to the duration of the work, from the size of the garage to how many people must be employed to carry out the tasks of building the garage or renovating it.

In both hypotheses, after having had a detailed plan of the works to be made to the structure drawn up, it is necessary to think about the organization of the internal space of the room. The reason is simple, in this way you can optimize it and arrange your objects in an orderly manner. For all the phases that make up this process, you can ask for advice and suggestions from professionals in the sector. In this way, you will be able to expose your doubts and perplexities regarding your idea and you will be able to understand the degree of the feasibility of your initial project and, if necessary, make arrangements to get to the perfect realization of your place.

Garage construction: phases and price factors

On the market, you can find garages of various sizes, versions, and materials.

  • Masonry garages: these are the most popular models are masonry garages, due to the strength and solidity of their structure. The positive side of this type of garage is that they do not need maintenance and can be customized in size;
  • Underground garage: the processing of this type of box takes place in several stages and is also the most difficult and expensive to create. Micropiles are placed under the load-bearing walls to temporarily support the building. Secondly, the actual excavation of the basement under the building or in the chosen area within the property is carried out. We then proceed with the construction of the internal and load-bearing structure of the new garage. The last phase consists of the removal of the micro piles and the finishing of the room;
  • Prefabricated garage: a simple to assemble construction that allows you to have extra space. The construction of the prefabricated garage is an excellent alternative for those who own a home but do not know where to park their car. In this case, to regulate its construction, it is necessary to go to the Municipality and present a permit, to which it is necessary to attach a technical report certifying the conformity of the work you want to carry out;
  • A wooden garage - is another alternative you can consider. It is an optimal solution for those who have a space outside their home but do not have a covered place to park their car. The materials with which these boxes are built are of quality and have good resistance. They are practical structures, with a good aesthetic impact and are very useful. The advantage of the wooden garage is that it can be purchased at a later time from the purchase or construction of the residential building.

For the renovation and construction of the garage, it is first of all necessary to deal with the bureaucratic issues. All the permits required by the municipality of residence are required to proceed with the work. This is to be able to be in compliance from a regulatory point of view and not have any nasty surprises in the future. Within the project it is necessary to define the position of the garage, as a rule, it can be adjacent to the house or outside. The garage may be in an underground or basement position: this is a solution halfway between the proximity and distance of the appurtenant box from the house.

How much does it cost to renovate a garage?

Garage renovation prices from to
Laying linoleum flooring (per 10 square foot) 20 - 25
Laying vinyl flooring (per 10 square foot) 10 - 20
Epoxy resin flooring (per 10 square foot) 35 - 100
Waterproofing of the walls (per 10 square foot) 25 - 35

Prices may vary due to the type of work to be performed, the quality of its execution, and the region in which you are located.

The first thing to check when we decide to renovate our garage concerns its waterproofing. In construction, for this purpose three products are mainly used that have variable prices: the bituminous membrane, the polymeric membranes, and finally the waterproofing mastic.

Another factor to watch out for is humidity. Small cracks may form in the garage and over time may grow larger, leading to severe structural problems. This problem is more frequent in the underground garage, where pipes and other systems, with humidity, could give way or break over time. The renovation of the garage in this case turns out to be complicated and with a longer time. In the presence of water and humidity, the material used for the construction and lining of the garage can undergo expansion. If the concrete was used for the construction of the garage, water can infiltrate the concrete castings, undermining their structural stability. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialized technician for the necessary checks.

Having ascertained these aspects, the interventions that are often necessary concern the floors. The garage flooring must have a dual function: it must withstand the passage of vehicles without any kind of problem and must be resistant to contact with oil, petrol, and similar substances. We recommend rubber and linoleum floors: they are floors that resist these substances and are heat resistant. They can be easily cleaned and sanitized. As for the price, this type of flooring does not cost too much and is very comfortable. They can be laid directly on the old floor and at the market, you can find a wide range of choices, both for colors and for patterns. Also, check the epoxy garage floor.

A further renovation could concern the garage doors. These represent a fundamental element for the usability of the garage. You may be thinking of replacing your old garage door with a motorized or side-scrolling one. In this way, you will be able to recover the space in front of the garage, make the most of the opening of the compartment and, more importantly, enter and exit the garage without having to get out of the car.

Ultimately we need to take care of the walls. The latter should be painted in a light color, as these colors give greater width and brightness to the environment. White is the ideal color. If you want to put windows in the garage, it is better to use the very small ones. To store objects, furniture, and old toys in an orderly way, insert shelves, shelves, and similar solutions into the walls inside the garage.